Sunday, August 5, 2012

Max Payne's Sunset

Max Payne 3 is far from a perfect game, but it's a memorable experience, and one that I'd say was needed for Max himself for several reasons.

First and foremost, the game keeps Max around and in people's minds. He's a character that should never be idle for too long in the landscape of gaming or pop culture. In an age where the gritty anti-hero has become passe, Max endures as both representation and caricature.

Second, and most importantly, part 3 evolves Max in a few key ways. Up until now, Max was a creature of New York. The folly of sequels is usually they end up being more of the same- setting characterization, etc. With Max no longer in the hands of his creators- Remedy- it would be easy for just any studio to make another one of those games. Luckily, Rockstar aren't just any studio. What Rockstar did with 3 is move Max forward. He's no longer a creature of New York- he's now an avenging angel. One that belongs to the whole world. He's a pulp hero who can be anywhere he's needed.

So regardless of whatever iffy choices you may feel Rockstar made in terms of gameplay, or story, or whatever, realize that Max is in a better place now than he has been since the credits on part 2 started rolling.

Criminals the world over had better watch out. And if you haven't played Max Payne 3 yet, I strongly suggest you change that. It's a dark, bleak, and worthwhile experience.

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